Active Listings

Active listings represent items currently available for purchase on the platform.

Count: 0

Average Price: $0.00

Sold Items

Sold items are those that have been successfully purchased by customers.

Count: 9

Average Price: $31.32

Sold Percentage

Sold percentage shows the percentage of listed items that were successfully sold on eBay.

Unsold Items: 72

Success Rate: 11.1%

Active Listings

(click item to view on eBay)

Sold Listings

3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: November 7, 2024 Price: $ 29.99 Sold: 1 units
3--Siemens B250  50 Amp 2 Pole Bolt-On Circuit Breaker BL250 {3- BREAKERS}

3--Siemens B250 50 Amp 2 Pole Bolt-On Circuit Breaker BL250 {3- BREAKERS}

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: January 6, 2024 Price: $ 34.99 Sold: 1 units
3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: October 9, 2023 Price: $ 27.99 Sold: 1 units
3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: September 26, 2023 Price: $ 27.99 Sold: 1 units
3--Siemens B250  50 Amp 2 Pole Bolt-On Circuit Breaker BL250 {3- BREAKERS}

3--Siemens B250 50 Amp 2 Pole Bolt-On Circuit Breaker BL250 {3- BREAKERS}

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: July 1, 2023 Price: $ 34.99 Sold: 1 units
3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: July 1, 2023 Price: $ 27.99 Sold: 1 units
3--Siemens B250  50 Amp 2 Pole Bolt-On Circuit Breaker BL250 {3- BREAKERS}

3--Siemens B250 50 Amp 2 Pole Bolt-On Circuit Breaker BL250 {3- BREAKERS}

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: July 1, 2023 Price: $ 34.99 Sold: 1 units
3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: May 9, 2023 Price: $ 27.99 Sold: 1 units
3--Siemens B250  50 Amp 2 Pole Bolt-On Circuit Breaker BL250 {3- BREAKERS}

3--Siemens B250 50 Amp 2 Pole Bolt-On Circuit Breaker BL250 {3- BREAKERS}

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: April 25, 2023 Price: $ 34.99 Sold: 1 units

Unsold Listings

3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: October 30, 2024 Price: $ 29.99
3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: October 12, 2024 Price: $ 29.99
Siemens B320 20 Amp 3 Pole 240V BL 10KA Bolt On Circuit Breaker TESTED

Siemens B320 20 Amp 3 Pole 240V BL 10KA Bolt On Circuit Breaker TESTED

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: October 12, 2024 Price: $ 19.00
3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: October 4, 2024 Price: $ 29.99
3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: September 27, 2024 Price: $ 29.99
3  Siemens B220 Bolt-In Circuit Breaker, 2-Pole, 20-Amp,  { 3 BREAKERS } TESTED

3 Siemens B220 Bolt-In Circuit Breaker, 2-Pole, 20-Amp, { 3 BREAKERS } TESTED

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: September 27, 2024 Price: $ 29.99
3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: September 18, 2024 Price: $ 29.99
3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: August 26, 2024 Price: $ 29.99
3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

3--Siemens B230, 30 Amp, 240 Volt, 2 Pole, BOLT ON {3 BREAKERS } TESTED

Seller: breakersandsurplus Condition: Used Date: August 19, 2024 Price: $ 29.99

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